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    The beginners guide to digital Assets

    Trusted Simplicity

  • Your Journey to understanding digital assets starts here.

    Cryptocurrency, digital assets, digital securities, STO, ITO, ICO, Stable-coins, NFT -

    Confused? What is this all the hype about? Ok lets get started.

    Let's start with a disclaimer.


    We launched this site in 2017, driven by the belief that over the next decade, blockchain will revolutionize how businesses operate. We also think many governments around the world will jump on the blockchain bandwagon to boost transparency and curb corruption.


    The UAE is a shining example of a government fully embracing blockchain, making it an exciting place to be right now.


    Cryptocurrencies are the lifeblood of blockchain development. When you buy a cryptocurrency or token, you’re often supporting a cutting-edge blockchain project.


    But here’s the fun part: diving into these ideas and doing your homework! Check out the founders, the team, and whether the project is actually feasible. If you can’t wrap your head around what the digital asset is trying to achieve, it’s best to steer clear. Stick to what you understand and believe in.


    Join us on this thrilling journey into the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency!


    Quick Disclaimer!


    This site is all about spreading the love for blockchain and the clarity it brings. It’s packed with information and links to cool projects, but it doesn’t offer financial advice, recommendations, or anything like that. We’re not affiliated with any companies here, and they don’t pay us to promote their stuff.


    Always do your own research! If this disclaimer scares you off, maybe blockchain isn’t your thing just yet. But if you’re curious and excited, let's dive in! The clearer the information, the better our future can be.

    Welcome to Our Blockchain Journey!


    We started this site in 2017 with the belief that over the next decade, most businesses will adopt blockchain systems to handle various aspects of their day-to-day operations. I also believe that many governments will embrace blockchain technology to enhance transparency and reduce corruption. The UAE is a powerhouse in the blockchain space, and it's incredibly exciting to witness a government fully supporting this revolutionary technology.

    Cryptocurrencies play a crucial role in supporting the development of blockchain and its transactions. By purchasing a cryptocurrency or token, you're often contributing to someone's innovative blockchain idea.

    However, the real challenge lies in investigating these ideas. It's essential to research the founders, team, and feasibility of any project. If, at the end of the day, you don't understand what the digital asset aims to achieve, don't buy it. Only invest in what you understand and believe in. Invest in a vision that resonates with you.


    Join us on this exciting journey into the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency!


    But how to purchase crypto currency safely?

    There are hundreds of ways to buy crypto currency. Understanding how to buy safely and securely can save much wasted time and also reduce the potential of losing your money. Some are GEO-specific, which means you can only buy through certain platforms if you live in a specific region. This website has information about how to buy crypto currency safely if you live and work in the UAE.

  • Typical Questions I get asked all the time.

    Lets start with the most simple Questions

    What is Blockchain?

    Think of it as a giant puzzle book that everyone can see, but no one can change once they've added their piece. Each puzzle piece represents a transaction or a piece of information, like who sent money to whom or who owns a digital collectible.


    But here's the exciting part: instead of having one person in charge of the book, it's distributed among many people all around the world. These folks are called "miners" or "validators." They use their powerful computers to solve complex puzzles, and when they succeed, they add a new page of puzzles to the book.


    Each page is connected to the previous one, forming a chain of pages, or a "blockchain." Once a page is added, it becomes permanent and cannot be altered without the consensus of the entire network. This makes the blockchain super secure and resistant to tampering.


    Now, because the blockchain is shared among many people, everyone can see all the transactions and information stored on it. This transparency helps ensure honesty and builds trust among participants.


    So, in a nutshell, a blockchain is like a magical, unchangeable puzzle book that's shared and maintained by a global community of miners. It keeps track of transactions and information in a secure and transparent way, making it a powerful tool for various applications, from cryptocurrencies to digital contracts and more!

    What is Bitcoin?

    Welcome to the world of Bitcoin, the superstar of digital currencies! Picture yourself in a universe where money goes digital and sets off on an adventure of its own.


    Bitcoin is like the James Bond of money—it's super cool, mysterious, and operates outside the control of any government or central authority. It's a decentralized digital currency that allows you to send and receive money instantly, just like sending a secret message.


    Instead of carrying cash or relying on banks, Bitcoin uses clever computer code and a special technology called blockchain to make transactions secure and private. Imagine having your own secret agent, a digital wallet, where you can store your Bitcoins safely.


    Here's the twist: instead of using traditional banks to keep track of transactions, Bitcoin relies on a global network of undercover agents called "miners." These miners are like digital detectives, verifying and recording all the transactions that happen in the Bitcoin world.


    But don't worry, it's not all serious business! Bitcoin loves adventure, and its price can sometimes go on thrilling roller coaster rides. People buy and sell Bitcoin on special online markets, hoping to catch the perfect moment to strike it rich.

    One more thing—Bitcoin is designed to have a limited supply, just like a rare treasure.


    Only 21 million Bitcoins will ever exist, making it even more valuable and sought after.


    So, imagine a world where money goes undercover, transactions are super secure, and value can skyrocket in the blink of an eye—that's Bitcoin for you!


    It's a thrilling and exciting digital currency that's has captured the imagination of people all over the globe.

    What is a Utility Token? and ITO

    A utility token is a type of digital token or cryptocurrency that is designed to have a specific function or utility within a particular ecosystem or platform. These tokens are typically created by blockchain projects to enable access to certain services, products, or features within their network.

    Unlike investment-focused tokens, such as security tokens, utility tokens are not intended to represent ownership in a company or provide financial returns. Instead, they serve as a medium of exchange or a unit of value within a specific application or platform.


    For example, in a decentralized cloud storage platform, a utility token may be used to pay for storage space or to access additional features like enhanced security or faster processing speeds. The token acts as a form of "currency" within that ecosystem, providing users with a means to access and utilize the platform's services.


    Now, moving on to ITO, it stands for Initial Token Offering. It is similar to an Initial Coin Offering (ICO), where a project or company raises funds by offering tokens to the public. However, the term "ITO" is less commonly used and can sometimes refer to a more specific token sale event.


    In simple terms, an ITO is a way for a project to introduce and distribute its tokens to investors or users. The tokens are typically sold at a predetermined price during the ITO, allowing participants to acquire them and potentially benefit from their future utility or value within the project's ecosystem.

    It's worth noting that the terminology surrounding token offerings can sometimes vary, and different terms may be used interchangeably or in a similar context.

    All About Security Tokens: The Superheroes of Digital Assets!

    A security token is like a fancy upgrade to regular tokens. It represents ownership in a company, project, or asset, just like owning shares in a superhero team or a blockbuster movie franchise.


    These tokens bring a new level of trust and protection to the world of digital assets. They are subject to regulations and laws, making them more secure and transparent.


    Now, let's talk about STOs—Security Token Offerings. It's like a thrilling launch party for security tokens!


    During an STO, companies or projects sell these tokens to investors, offering them a chance to join the action and potentially earn profits.


    STOs bring the fun of digital tokens together with the stability and legal compliance of traditional investments. It's a win-win for both companies and investors.


    So, think of security tokens and STOs as the superheroes of the digital investment world, combining the excitement of tokens with the trustworthiness of traditional securities.


    They're bringing a whole new level of awesomeness to the world of finance—and in my opinion, the future of stock exchanges.


    The future of STOs, basically its an IPO on a reduced cost. Bpund by the same regulatory rules and thefroe when reseacrhing ta STO make sure that it is complaint withsecirities rules on where it is being offered.



    What is an IEO

    An Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) is a way for cryptocurrency projects to raise funds directly on a cryptocurrency exchange platform. Instead of the project team organizing and conducting the fundraising themselves, they collaborate with a specific exchange.


    In an IEO, the exchange acts as a facilitator, hosting and overseeing the token sale on behalf of the project. The project team typically conducts a vetting process with the exchange, ensuring that their project meets certain criteria and standards.


    Once approved, the exchange sets up a dedicated platform where users can purchase the project's tokens directly from the exchange. The exchange handles the token sales, collects the funds from investors, and distributes the tokens accordingly. In return for their services, the exchange usually charges a fee or receives a portion of the tokens sold during the IEO.


    IEOs provide certain benefits to both projects and investors. For projects, IEOs offer a ready-made platform with an established user base, enhancing exposure and credibility. Investors benefit from the trust and security provided by the exchange, as they can participate in the token sale directly from their exchange accounts, eliminating the need to send funds to a separate wallet or smart contract.

    Overall, an IEO simplifies the fundraising process for cryptocurrency projects by leveraging the infrastructure and user base of a cryptocurrency exchange, making it more accessible and convenient for both projects and investors.

    What is Mining?

    Mining is the process of verifying and adding transactions to a digital ledger called a blockchain. Think of it as a digital equivalent of gold mining, but instead of digging in the ground, people use powerful computers to solve puzzles.

    In cryptocurrency networks like Bitcoin, miners compete to solve complex mathematical puzzles by performing lots of calculations. The first miner to find the correct solution gets to add a new block of transactions to the blockchain and is rewarded with newly created cryptocurrency as an incentive.

    Mining serves two important purposes. First, it validates and confirms transactions, ensuring they are legitimate and can't be changed later. Second, it secures the network by making it difficult for anyone to manipulate or cheat the system. Once a block is added to the blockchain, it becomes very hard to alter the information inside it.


    Miners need powerful computers and specialized hardware to solve these puzzles quickly. They use a lot of electricity in the process. It's like a race where miners compete to solve puzzles and earn rewards while keeping the cryptocurrency network running smoothly.


    So, mining is the process of using computers to validate transactions, secure the network, and earn rewards in the form of newly created cryptocurrency.

    What is Proof of Work

    Proof of Work (PoW) is a consensus mechanism used in blockchain networks to validate transactions and achieve distributed consensus. It is the underlying algorithm that powers the Bitcoin network and several other cryptocurrencies.


    In a PoW system, participants, known as miners, compete to solve complex mathematical puzzles. These puzzles require significant computational power and energy consumption to find a solution. The miner who successfully solves the puzzle first gets the opportunity to create a new block and add it to the blockchain.


    To solve the puzzle, miners must perform countless computations, known as hashing, until they find a specific value that meets certain criteria. This value, known as a nonce, when combined with the other data in the block, produces a hash that satisfies the predetermined requirements, such as a certain number of leading zeros.

    Once a miner finds a valid nonce, they broadcast their solution to the network, and other participants can quickly verify it. The miner's block, along with the verified transactions, is then added to the blockchain. The process of finding a valid solution is often referred to as "mining."

    Proof of Work ensures the security and integrity of the blockchain by making it computationally expensive and time-consuming to tamper with past blocks. If someone wants to alter a block, they would need to redo the computational work for that block and all subsequent blocks, which becomes increasingly difficult as more blocks are added to the chain. This property makes the blockchain resistant to malicious attacks and provides a trustless system for participants.


    One of the main advantages of PoW is its ability to achieve decentralized consensus. Since miners compete to solve the puzzles, no single entity or group can monopolize the network or manipulate transaction history without an immense amount of computational power. However, PoW is known to be energy-intensive, as the mining process requires substantial electricity consumption.

    In addition to Bitcoin, other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum currently utilize PoW as their consensus mechanism. However, there is a growing interest in alternative consensus algorithms, such as Proof of Stake (PoS), due to their energy efficiency and other potential advantages.

    What is proof of stake?

    Proof of Stake (PoS) is a consensus mechanism used in blockchain networks to reach an agreement and validate transactions in a more efficient and environmentally friendly manner. It works in contrast to Proof of Work (PoW), which is the algorithm employed by Bitcoin and involves miners competing to solve complex puzzles to validate blocks.

    In a PoS system, participants, known as validators, are selected to create new blocks and verify transactions based on the number of coins they hold or "stake" in the network. Essentially, the more coins a validator owns, the higher their chances of being chosen to validate the next block. This selection process is often referred to as "minting" or "forging."


    Validators play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the blockchain. To ensure that they act honestly, PoS introduces a concept called "slashing." If a validator is found to be engaging in malicious activities or attempting to validate conflicting blocks, they may face penalties, such as losing a portion or all of their staked coins.


    One of the major advantages of Proof of Stake over Proof of Work is its reduced computational requirements, making it more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. It also mitigates the risk of centralization, as participants with more coins have a higher chance of becoming validators, but they cannot monopolize the network entirely. Moreover, PoS enables faster block confirmation times, resulting in increased transaction throughput.


    Numerous blockchain platforms and cryptocurrencies have adopted or plan to implement PoS, including Ethereum with its upcoming Ethereum 2.0 upgrade, Cardano, Polkadot, and Tezos, among others. It's important to note that PoS is an evolving field, and various implementations may have their own unique mechanisms and features.

  • Reducing the Noise!

    What to buy?

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    A good safe starting point - Start from $25

    Etoro is a simple platform for Crypto 21 of the most trusted cryptos available on the market. It's not about having the biggest selection, Etoro is great for a beginner as Etoro has already selected the Cryptos through carrying out thorough due diligence. The cryptos have all been recognised with solid projects.


    You can also transfer the crypto away from Etoro through your own wallet if you see fit at a later point.


    They are easy to deposit money but one of the slowest companies I've ever come across in sending money back.


    Positives - Easy to one from the UAE without having to print and sign anything. quick to load money and get opened.


    Negatives - Expensive bid / offer spreads. Very high fees for buying as elling asstes, even to tarnceers assest off to Etoro to your own etoro wlallet they charge you a spread. Slow to withdraw money.


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    For those looking to dive deeper into this sector.

    Binance comes highly rated by both the experienced and the beginner. Binance is one of the biggest crypto exchanges. It's the go-to place to buy and sell crypto listing thousands of coins and tokens.


    Positives: Widest choice available in one space, low fees. Supports most airdrops!


    Downside: more complex to use, the choice can be overwhelming, difficult to deposit and withdraw funds, best to send bitcoin you already own to the platform and then make transactions.


    Once you get your money on to the system it can be tricky to switch it back to AED or USD.


    Top Tip: If you buy on an exchange like Binance it is good practice to store your coins and tokens in your own personal wallet and not on the exchange itself.

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    Local to the UAE

    It can be difficult to buy bitcoin in an easy way. BitOasis allows you to buy a number of cryptocurrencies. I have used it to purchase bitcoin off my debit card (service no longer available) in the past and then send the bitcoin to Binance where I have exchanged it for multiple other coins.


    Positives: Easy to use interface, secure sign-on process, good if you want to buy just the coins and tokens and not CFD trading.


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    Swiss Quote - DIFC

    ​Based in Switzerland but have an Office in DIFC.



  • Cryptocurrencies - Made Simple

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  • Unsure about crypto? However, you still wish to send money internationally?

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    Banks often quote customers saying they are not going to charge a commission to move money from one currency to another, which is correct, however they add a very high spread on the actual exchange rate. For example, the actual inter bank rate moving from USD to GBP may be 1.50 USD to 1 GBP but the bank will offer the exchange rate 1.58 to 1 GBP this is in fact a 5% fee added onto the exchange rate


    Some places like Airport exchanges charge 20% spread and class themselves as commission free transactions.


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